The Stable Conversion Kit
"The Manger Scene will never be the same"

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This product is the first ever compliment to the Manger Scene. Can you imagine having a creative and changing interactive experience with the traditional manger scene and at the same time learning a more accurate story about the birth of Christ? Now you can!  It's time for the Stable to share the stage.
The Reason for this Product  :

Most people don't know that the Wise
Men were not present at the Stable.
They presented their gifts to Jesus not
when He was a Baby, but sometime up                to two years latter in a house at                           Bethlehem when He was a Toddler.                       Quite a different scene                 
The Importance of this Product :

Since we need to be true to any
historical record, it's important to teach
the real story of Christmas. This
product is a hands-on mechanical
device designed to educate people
about the Gospel narratives as written
in Matthew 2 and Luke 2.
                              The Appeal and Marketability of this Product

#1. It's One of a Kind    #6. It Converts
#2  It's a "Hands-on" Device       #7. It Brings "New Life" to the Story
#3. It's Fun for the Family     #8. It's Two Scenes in one Box
#4. It Educational                                         #9. It's Bold to Challenge
#5  It's Creative                                          #10. It Dares to Change

The Purpose of this Web-Site :              
       This site is intended for someone who would be interested in manufacturing this product.